Wartrol Review: New Wart Treatment Zap Warts Away Fast…

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Here Are The Before & After Results (approx. 2 weeks later):

Wartrol Review

Wart Removal WARNING…

After 2 genital warts, several warts on my fingers and a Plantars wart on the ball of my foot, let me start off by warning you about how hard getting rid of your warts really can be without the right treatment.

That said, after trying just about every way to get rid of warts, I can without a doubt say Wartrol is THE best wart removal solution out there.

And free home treatments…. Hah!

Don’t get me started…

Let’s just say that before I discovered Wartrol

I spent more time trying to treat my warts then I spent on my biggest passion: martial arts.

And Here’s The Weird Thing That Makes Wartrol So Darn GOOD…

What makes Wartrol completely different (and so much better) than any wart remover treatment available, is because of Wartrol's Unique Dual-Action Formula!

With it's combination of proven HPV wart fighters combined together, it's formula can produce major results…FAST!

Here’s how Wartrol's key ingredients work “synergistically” together:

  1. The extra-strength topical treatment– The all natural extra-strength topical solution within Wartrol eats away at the wart infection from the surface by seeping in through the wart & surrounding skin to penetrate deep into the heart of wart infection.
  2. The secondary ingredients – the secondary ingredients are what make Wartrol stand above all comparable products in my opinion. These ingredients inhibit the reproduction of HPV infected cells and help restore the skin to it's natural structure and quality and well as helps to prevent inflamation skin surrounding the wart. &

 Wartrol’s Unique Dual-Acting Formula Clears Warts FAST!

I think you’re going to be shocked when you see how quickly Wartrol can eliminate your warts.

For me, it cleared up my severe plantar wart with about 3/4 of a single bottle of Wartrol. See the progression below:

(You can get your Wartrol treatment kit here)

I’d say about 6 days into the treatment, the wart had already completely flaked off and skin in an around the wart area was smoothing up. What a relief!

Someone needs to give the Wartrol man a Nobel prize or something, let me tell ya!

There’s Something Important You Need to Know About Wartrol

See, Wartrol is a very powerful treatment comprised of FDA approved ingredients that eat away at your wart faster than anything you’ve ever seen. It’s important, however, not to exceed the recommended time to leave on the Wartrol treatment because it can cause minor skin burns around your wart if left on for too long. That said… You’re in for a surprise when you see how fast the extra-strength solution can zap away warts on your hands, feet, legs, face, and other parts of your body.

And with the Wartrol Treatment, There Is NO NEED For Mind Numbing, Hour Long, Foot-Bath Sessions Every Day!

The one thing I really like best about Wartrol is that is saves you A LOT of time.

Those stupid Vinegar or Listerine foot baths… man I hate those with a passion!

I have so many memories of sitting hours on end with my feet submerged in a Tupperware container filled with Vinegar, bored out of my mind… and fully aware of all the time I was wasting as my eyes counted down every minute on the clock.

But with Wartrol, you can apply the treatment within seconds while you’re putting your socks on to get ready to go to work for the day.

There’s Only 1 Thing I DON’T Like About Wartrol…

I had to take off 1 point because of the price of Wartrol is slightly higher than other wart removal treatments out there…

However I believe that the Wartrol kit is worth the small extra cost considering how effective it is… considering that getting 1 wart removed by a Doctor can cost you upwards of $300…

…And If you’re someone who values your time, the amount of time it saves you makes up for it 50 fold.

If you’re ready to take the plunge, click here to be taken to the Wartrol website where you can buy your package online through their website.

If I remember correctly, it took 3 days for mine to arrive.

What Other People Have to Say About Their Experience With Wartrol…

(Real Before & After Experiences)

"This stuff is almost magical. I was suffering from a very severe case of genital warts that attached itself to my lower lip. What I thought was just a cold sore kept getting bigger until it turned into a very unsighlty cluster. Not wanting to visit a doctor and have to explain myself I decided I would look for a way to treat the infection myself. After doing some online research I learned about Wartrol and decided to try it out. Not only did it get rid of the infection fast, but I haven't had a single outbreak since I've started using it. Its just one less thing to worry about in a crazy busy world. Five stars across the board. Works fast, works well. I've never been so happy with a product before Thanks Wartrol. " - Louis Harman Verified Buyer
"The only reason it's not 5 stars is because it's only available online. I wanted to pick it at my CVS!! PLEASE Wartrol make available everywhere. This is a wonderful product and the only product that worked for my plantar wart. Next time it's in stock, I'm going to order in bulk. LOL. " -  Jennifer Rodriguez Verified Buyer
“My problems with Warts have led to years of self-doubt. Since taking Wartrol I feel like a brand new man again! This stuff is almost magical. I've been suffering from warts seemingly my entire life and not only does this get rid of the warts fast, but I haven't has a single outbreak since I've started using it. It's also perfect for those of us with dry skin, as it keeps the skin around my moist instead of dry and cracked. It was delivered quickly and it made me feel much more confident in my skins.  Its just one less thing to worry about in a crazy busy world. Five stars across the board. Works fast, works well. I've never been so happy with a product before Thanks Wartrol.” – Kevin Sandin. age: 31 Verified Buyer

“I just wanted to express my sincerest thanks for your wart product. My husband and I both take it, and        our lives have much improved since. Very happy with this product, it's easy to use and it's already removed   warts I've been struggling with for months. No side effects for me, and I'm happy and surprised this product works as well as it says.              Thanks so much!” – Jamee Mathers. age: 26 Verified Buyer

(Grab your Watrol treatment bottles here)

Final Verdict: Is Wartrol Worth It?

ZetaClear likeAnswer: Yes!

Considering how quickly Wartrol was able to get rid of my warts… and that many other people online also shared similar experiences as me, I can confidently recommend that you give Wartrol a shot.

Sure, it’s a few dollars more than other solutions out there, but at least with Wartrol, you know the job will get done… and it’ll get done fast, without you having to spend half your life messing around with it.

My Final Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

4.5 stars

(You can buy your Wartrol treatment kit online here)

Remember: Your Warts WILL Spread If You Don't Treat Them NOW…

No matter how much you want it to… the fact remains that warts won’t go away on their own, and if left untreated…

… they are guaranteed to multiply and spread to other parts of your body becoming harder and harder to treat with every day they are left untreated

Here’s what WILL happen if you let your warts go untreated any longer:

Toenail fungus photo

( Don’t let this happen to you! Treat them now before they start spreading. Get Wartrol now. )

Whatever treatment option you decide to go with, just make sure you start treating your warts ASAP. Don’t wait until tomorrow to start doing something about it, because before you know it, your warts will multiply just like ones in the image above.

Wartrol has very fast shipping so you can start almost immediately – if you purchase Wartrol through their website here, usually you’ll get your package within about 3 days.

Good luck, and here’s to you have skin clear of warts again!


21 thoughts on “Wartrol Review: ’New Treatment Zaps Warts Away Fasts…

  1. Hey Alex, I’ve had 1 really bad wart on my face for about 6 months now, and it looks like it may have spread because I see a second one forming about a half an inch away from it. does Wartrol work on face warts also, and does it work on big warts?… thnx -Jamie

    • Hey Jamie, Yes! Wartrol works effectively on ALL skin warts including face, finger, hand, elbow, foot, plantar, genital warts, etc. My rule of thumb is 1 bottle of Wartrol per 1 really bad wart or 2 medium sized warts. If you have 2 or more bad warts, you might want to consider purchasing 3 bottles of Wartrol to be on the safe side. You need to start treatment ASAP though because it sounds like your warts will be spreading more rapidly now. !


  2. Hi Alex! Thanks for all your help with my genital warts!

    I just purchased 3 bottles of Wartrol today! I am totally confident it’s going to clear my genital warts super fast! i’ll keep you posted on my results 🙂

    -K C

  3. Hey Alex just wanted to chime in about my progress:

    As you know from when we talked a couple months ago I’ve have tried everything for genital warts. I’ve been using Wartrol on your recommendation for just a few days, and I am amazed at the difference in my warts already. I know this is a slow process but its so worth it. the warts I am working on are clearing away from my genital and anal area. I’ve used other topicals, all the home remedies, and 3 rounds of the Rx oral medications over the last 8+ years…this is the ONLY product that has worked for me so far THNX ALEX!!!!!

  4. i just bought the Wartrol on your recommendation. hope it works 4 me because nothing else has worked so far. I tried meds and other remedies too. I'm really counting on this to work.

  5. Very happy with the purchase. I tried different medication and nothing worked. Finally I tried the wartol. My gentials warts which starting to become painful is started healing up within a few applications of this stuff. The moisturizing ingredients also helps soothe my discomfort. it takes effort to remember to use it everday.

  6. important question for ya Alex: I have a small patch of warts around the outer area of my vagina, but lately they've been getting rougher and looks like its beginning to spread my anal area.

    Im wondering if it is possible for my family members to contract my genital warts from me? Like from the toilet a shower If so this is really scary because i saw how quickly they came about. do u know the answer? i dont want my whole family getting this stuff. thanks so much Alex! ur site has been a huge eye opener for me!!!!!

    • YES! Your family members can get warts from you! Places like your bathtubs, your bed sheets, your washing machines, etc. etc. can all harbor HPV cells. The worse your warts gets, the more likely this will happen. Considering your warts are has already spreading to your other parts of your body, you need to start your treatment ASAP because it’s only a matter of time before your family members also get warts. Good luck.

  7. I have tried Terasil (clotrimazole cream) and Wart-BeGone (10%caprylic acid) and oral Lamisil with no luck.

    Has anyone ever tried compound W wart remover? I would think they may be in the same family, and since the compound W kills the skin, maybe it would kill the warts??

    I didn’t try the tea tree oil, listerine, vinegar or Vick’s because it didn’t seem as though the cure was a sure thing. I am tired of wasting my time and money. Are you THAT SURE about the Wartrol?

    Thank you for this forum!

    • I am not a personal fan of Terasil. This stuff has some pretty nasty side effects – not something I want to subject my body to just to cure a wart problem. The compound W wart remover can somtimes be an effective solution. That said, compound W is like $10 for a small little bottle that will last for about a week. You will spend about the same amount on compound W as you would Wartrol.

      As to whether Watrol will work for you: I am 100% confident in Wartrol’s ability to cure common or genital warts. But if you are truly concerned, they offer a 60 day refund policy which you can take advantage of if you aren’t satisfied. Good luck!

  8. OK, I bought three bottles of Watrol. I am surprised how fast it came! I cut my warts down short and have been scrubbing them, then drying them well using a hair dryer, and then dabbing the Watrol on, at least two times a day, sometimes three so far. My plantar wart on the right foot was starting to get painful to walk on. The other foot has an two plantar warts that are just developing but I’m not taking any chances so they’re getting the treatment too. I also must add that I really love the way this treatment smells lol! I wish I could fall asleep with a bottle tapped under my nose ahaha!

    I’ll keep you posted, and I promise to be honest about my use and the results.

    Again, thank you so much for a forum where we can speak freely and share ideas about this embarassing ailment!

    • Good call treating it before it starts to spread. It definitely does spread and I had the same thing happen to me because I left it untreated. Just remember to keep applying Wartrol every day. Don’t even miss 1 single day throughout your treatment regimen – it makes a huge difference.


  9. it is nice to hear all the good comments from you guys. Am from Zambia and i have had gebital warts since 2017. i do not have a credit card and i cant afford the coast because its almost close to monthly salary. i tried to look in our chemists to see if they have but nothing. I envy you guys. i wish i could have clear genitals. i cant even remember how they once looked.

  10. I been struggling with genital warts for 7 years, and my genitalia is really in bad shape, kinda like the worst case scenario photo yall have on this site.

    would wartrol still help me>??

    • If your wart looks like the one in the picture, you have what I classify as a “heavy” infection. Wartrol will definitely work for you, however I highly recommend you get 3 bottles of Wartrol for an infection as bad as the one you have. I also recommend that during the first 2 eeks of your treatment you apply Wartrol at least 3 times a day to help get your infection under control quicker. Don’t worry! You’ll be able to get rid of this… just remember to be very religious about your treatment. You can’t afford to miss even a single day of treatment when your infection is that bad. Start as soon as you possibly can. Good luck, and keep me updated on your progress!

  11. thanks so much for pointing me in the direction of Wartrol because this stuff has been a miracle for me Alex!!!

    my warts have been an absolute nightmare because I like to pickup women around local pools during the summer and I cant tell you how many girls have been turned off when they look down and see my hands and upper lip. 🙁 its like an instant deal breaker as soon as they see it 🙁

    last year has been really tough for me and has taken a huge toll on my confidence with women because of it. even when im at a bar or something with my shoes on I still feel self-confidence issues and i feel like the women can sense it.

    anyway long story short Ive been using wartrol regularly for the past month and a half or have noticed a significant improvement already.

    my warts have progressed from what I would consider a heavy infection now to a medium infection.

    the warts are starting to soften up a lot and have noticed it clear by about 90% so far. it also looks like it might also be starting to detach, which I hear is a good thing.

    you have no idea how relieved I feel right now. Im counting down the months until the pool opens and plan to use my last 2 remaining bottles of wartrol religiously over the next 3 months to make sure this stuff is gone for good in time for the pool season!

    thanks again dude as corny as it sounds your website and wartrol has been a god send to me. im so glad i found this site because I thought for sure I would be living with my warts forever.

    • I’m glad watrol is already improving your condition! Before long your skin will be completely clear of warts – just in time for the pool season! In regards to your confidence around women issue, you’d be surprised how many of my visitors have told me their warts has affected their dating life, and how much of a toll it takes on their self confidence. It’s actually quite common, so don’t feel like you are weird or anything like that! Congrats, and keep it up.


  12. hi i was just checking on some solutions i might find about my plantar wart..and i have one on both of my big toes and they were bugging me so i clipped them and saw that i could cut them off until i got midway and i cant the the other part off the bottom part.. can i still buy the wartol and will work?

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