About This Website – How To Contact Me
Hi – My Name is Alex Johnson (author of WartRemovalZone.com)
As an avid martial artist of almost 10 years, I’ve been infected with warts on 8 separate occasions (3 genital wart infections, 2 plantar wart infections, 1 facial wart and 2 finger warts ).
It’s embarrassing, however warts are a common ailment of many martial arts practitioners:
Gym floor mats soak up sweat, and the elevated room temperatures caused by the release of body heat, create the perfect breeding ground for hpv and bacteria!
Long story short, after dealing with my own wart infections and helping other people at my gym get rid of theirs, I inadvertently became an expert on wart removal.

(Hand Warts)
I became obsessed, really… Enough that I even wrote a book on wart removal treatment (yeah… I actually wrote one).
Anyway, since I’ve spent so much time researching, and testing out different treatments, I decided to create WartRemovalZone.Com to share my wealth of knowledge when it comes to getting rid of toe fungus.
The way I see it, the more people I inform about proper wart removal treatment methods, the less likely I will become infected with it again in the future.
With that said, enjoy the website, and please contact me if you have any questions about treating your warts, or want to share methods that have worked for you in the past!